Developer Information#

The following information is intended for developers who wish to modify the code.

The pages on Testing and Documentation are also relevant.

Building BridgeStan#

Developers should follow the instructions in Getting Started to ensure they have the minimal C++ build tools required for working with BridgeStan.


  • We use the C++1y standard for compilation (-std=c++1y in both clang and gcc). This is partway between C++11 and C++14, and is what Stan requires.

  • We try to write standards-compliant code that does not depend on features of specific platforms (except where needed for compatibility). Specifically, we do not use OS-dependent or compiler-dependent C++. Our C++ code does not depend on the R.h or Python.h headers, for example. On the other hand, adding new signatures to work with a specific language’s style of foreign function interface is permitted (an example can be found in the R compatibility functions, which requires a particular pointer-based style).

  • We try to follow the Google C++ Style Guide, but (a) we allow C++ exceptions, and (b) we allow reference arguments.

  • We recommend using Clang format with our config file .clang-format.


  • Python dependencies:

  • We autoformat code with black.



  • R dependencies:


  • Rust development is based on cargo, which should handle dependencies and formatting.